- Includes listings for bicycles, tandem bikes,
hand-cycles** and mopeds
** For people with disabilities, a limited number of hand-cycles are available for rent at specific bike concessions. For more information call Nickerson State Park at 508-896-3491
Bourne P & M Cycles - 29 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, 508-759-2830 Village Cycles - 270 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, 759-6773
Brewster Brewster Bicycle Rental Inc. - 442 Underpass Road, 896-8149 Idle Times Bike Shop - Route 6A, 896-9242 Rail Trail Bike Shop - 302 Underpass Road, 896-8200
Chatham Bike's & Blades Inc. - 195 Crowell Road, 945-7600 Monomoy Sail & Cycle - 275 Orleans Raod, North Chatham, 945-0811
Dennis Barbara's Bike & Sport Equipment - 430 Route 134, S. Dennis, 760-4723 Idle Times Bike Shop - 460 Route 134, 760-4515
Eastham Idle Times Bike Shop - 4550 Route 6, North Eastham, 255-8281 Little Capistrano Bike Shop - Salt Pond Road, 255-6515
Falmouth Art's Bike Shop - 75 County Road, North Falmouth, 800-563-7379 Bike Zone - 278 Teaticket Hwy. Route 28, 540-2453 Corner Cycle - 115-117 Palmer Avenue, 540-4195 Holiday Cycles - 465 Grand Avenue, Falmouth Heights, 540-3549
Harwich Harwich Port Bike Company, Inc. - 431 Main Street, Harwich Port, 508-430-0200
Hyannis Cascade Motor Lodge - 201 Main Street, Hyannis 775-9717 Grandpa's Used Bikes - 210 Yarmouth Road, Hyannis, 778-2976 One World Bike Rental - 631 Main Street, Hyannis, 771-4242
Martha's Vineyard Adventure Rentals of M.V.(Mopeds) - Beach Road, Vineyard Haven, 693-1959 Anderson's Bike Rentals - Circuit Avenue Ext., Oak Bluffs, 693-9346 DeBettencourt's Bike Shop (Bikes & Mopeds) - Oak Bluffs, 693-0011 Edgartown Bicycles - 190 Upper Main Street, Edgartown, 627-9008 King's Rental, Inc. (Bikes & Mopeds) - Circuit Avenue, Oak Bluffs, 693-1887 Martha's Bike Rentals - 4 Lagoon Pond Road, Vineyard Haven, 693-6593 Martha's Vineyard Scooter & Bike Rental - Union, Vineyard Haven, 693-0782 Quawk Cycle of Martha's Vineyard - Vineyard Haven, 693-1188 R. W. Cutler Bike Rentals - 1 Main Street, Edgartown, 627-4052 Ride On Mopeds & Bikes - Circuit Avenue Ext., Oak Bluffs, 693-2076 Sun & Fun Inc. (Bikes & Mopeds) - Lake Avenue, Oak Bluffs, 693-5457 Vineyard Bike & Moped - Oak Bluffs Avenue, Oak Bluffs, 693-6886 Vineyard Vehicles Rentals Inc. - Beach Road, Vineyard Haven, 693-1185 Wheel Happy - 8 South Water Street, Edgartown, 627-5928 Nantucket Cook's Cycle Shop - 6 South Beach Street, 228-0800 Holiday Cycle - 4 Chester Street, 228-3644 Nantucket Bike Shop - Steamboat Wharf, 228-1999 Nantucket Bike Shop - Straight Wharf, 325-5898 Young's Bicycle Shop - Steamboat Wharf, 228-1151
Orleans Goose-Hummock Shop - Route 6A, Orleans, 255-2620 Orleans Cycle - 26 Main Street, 255-9115
Sandwich Sandwich Cycles - 40 Route 6A, 833-2453
Wellfleet Black Duck Sports Shop - Main Street, South Wellfleet, 349-9801 Idle Times Bike Shop - 270 State Highway Route 6, 349-9161
Yarmouth All-Right Bike & Mower Shop - 627 Main Street, West Yarmouth, 790-3191 |

