Antiques at Allyn House - Barnstable
2730 Rte. 6A, Barnstable, MA 02630 ~ 508-362-9333
Offering 18th & 19th C. furniture and accessories in paint and
surface appropriate for the early American home or collection.
Always available by appointment.
Harden Studios - Barnstable
3264 Main Street (Rte. 6A), Barnstable, MA 02630 ~ 508-362-7711 or 508-362-6339
18th & 19th C. formal and country furniture, paintings, rugs, lighting,
glass, china, pottery, porcelain, pewter, etc., displayed in the historic
(circa 1690) Deacon Robert Davis home.
Open daily except Tuesday, 9:30-5; Sunday, 12-4.
Jean Kennedy Antiques - West Barnstable
575 Willow Street, West Barnstable, MA 02668 ~ 508-362-3005
Country primitive furniture and accessories.
By appointment.
Barbara Grant - Antiques & Books - Brewster
1793 Main St. (Rte. 6A between Rtes. 124 & 137), Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-7198
Old and out-of-print books, furniture, primitives, old kitchenware,
glass, porcelain, linens, decoratives, collectibles and nostalgia.
Open: May-October, 10-5. Out of season by chance or appointment.
The Brewster Shop At The Beach - Brewster
300 Foster Rd., Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-1000 or 508-896-6111
A small shop located off Rte. 6A, at the beach. Specialties include
purple transferware, garden items from the U.S. and abroad as well as
silver, jewelry, linens and selected furniture.
In season open daily 10-5; off season by chance or appointment.
Domar Antiques - Brewster
2912 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-1812
Silver, Porcelain including Oriental, Ceramics, Jewelry, Limited
Furniture, Glass, Collectibles, Paintings, Prints
The MEWS at Brewster - (Multiple Dealers) - Brewster
2926 Main Street (Route 6A), Brewster ~ 508-896-4887
An exceptional display of interesting and attractive antiques by 7 dealers.
Ruddy Turnstone Antiques - Brewster
463 Main Street (Rte. 6A), Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-385-9871
18th & 19th C. furniture; country primitives; paintings including Hudson
River School; folk art; early mirrors and sconces; Oriental and hooked
rugs; country accessories.
Open: May - November, 11-5 weekends. Weekdays by appointment.
The Spyglass - Brewster
2257 Main St. (Rte. 6A), Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-4423
Featuring 18th & 19th C. nautical antiques, including telescopes,
barometers, navigational instruments, models, writing boxes and
chests as well as fine early maps and portraits.
Open year round, Mon.-Sat., 10-5. Sunday 12-5.
Tymeless Antiques - Brewster
2896 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-5946
Specializing in early country furniture and accessories.
Open daily 10-5 off season 10-4, closed Tuesday off season
Wistria Antiques Etc - Brewster
1199 Main St, Brewster, MA 02631 ~ 508-896-8650
Antiques-Dealers, Used Merchandise Stores, Miscellaneous Retail Stores, Limoge
Antiques at Post Office Square - Chatham
17 Post Office Rd, Chatham, MA 02633 ~ 508-945-3733
Beginning our second season with a nice selection of glass, china,
furniture, and accessories, pottery, and silver. Opening a second
shop in the Spring of 2006 - Antiques by the Bay, 1424 Main Street,
Betsy Mosser - Antique Prints - Chatham
138 Stage Island Rd., Chatham, MA 02633 ~ 508-945-0529
18th & 19th C. prints, specializing in botanicals, shells, birds,
butterflies, fish, quadrapeds, children, views, and maps.
By appointment and antique shows only.
Kahn Fine Antiques - Chatham
582 Main Street, Chatham, MA 02633 ~ 508-945-6450
Dealer in museum quality antiques and works of art from the 18th &
19th centuries. Specializing in nautical antiques including weapons,
scrimshaw, ship models, maps, export porcelain and instruments.
During season 10:00-5:00, Off season days and hours vary.
West Chatham Antiques - (Multiple Dealers) - West Chatham
1579 Main Street (Rte. 28), West Chatham ~ 508-945-0019
1849 House Antiques - Cotuit
809 Main Street, Cotuit, MA 02635 ~ 508-428-2258
Pattern glass, whale oil lamps, sterling silver, art pottery,
cake stands.
Open: 10 - 6 daily (seven days) April - October.
Audrey's Antiques - Dennis
766 Rt 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 ~ 508-385-4996
Dovetail Antiques - Dennis
543 Rt. 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 ~ 508-385-2478
Lilac Hedge Antiques - Dennis
620 Rt 6A, Dennis, MA 02638 ~ 508-385-0800
Country Mouse Antiques - Dennisport
86 Sea Street, Dennisport, MA 02639 508-896-4887
Main Street Antique Center - (Multiple Dealers) - Dennisport
691 Rte. 28, Dennisport ~ 508-760-5700
East Dennis Antiques - East Dennis
1514 Main St. (Rte. 6A) East Dennis, MA 02641 ~ 508-385-7651
18th & 19th Century American furniture (country and formal), also
English and Continental, oriental and choice Victorian pieces including
wicker, prints, paintings, mirrors, frames, cloisonné, lighting and rugs.
By chance or appointment.
The Unique Antique - West Dennis
109 Main Street (RT. 28), West Dennis, MA 02670 ~ 508-760-3428
Edward & Charlene Dixon - Eastham
660 Samoset Rd., Eastham, MA 02642 ~ 508-240-7726
Specializing in country pieces, stoneware, nautical items
The Gristmill Gallery - (Multiple Dealers) - Eastham
2320 Route 6A, Eastham ~ 508-240-0033
Benjamin Heywood Antiques - Falmouth
701 West Falmouth Hwy.(Rte 28A), Falmouth, MA 02540 ~ 508-548-2972 or 508-540-8065
Specializing in pre-1850 American country furniture in old and restored surfaces. Early architectural items and accessories.
In season: Fri. + Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5. Offseason: By appointment Antiqueshows.
The Barn at Windsong - (Multiple Dealers) - Harwich
245 Bank St., Harwich ~ 508-432-8281
Old Cape Antiques - South Harwich
1006 Main Street (Rte. 28), South Harwich, MA 02666 ~ 508-432-8885
19th century antiques specializing in early American Pattern Glass,
whale oil lamps and other early flint glass.
By chance or appointment year-round.
Diamond Antiques and Fine Art, LLC - West Harwich
103 Main St. (Rte. 28), West Harwich, MA 02671 ~ 508-432-0634
Actively buying and selling American and European art on Cape Cod for
two decades. All paintings, prints, watercolors, sculpture and frames,
18th - 20th centuries considered.
The Barn Furniture & Antiques - Hyannis
210 Iyannough Rd., Hyannis, MA 02601 ~ 508-771-4340
Marstons Mills
The Collector's Shop - Marstons Mills
3821 Falmouth Rd, Marstons Mills, MA 02648 ~ 508-420-5618
Cotuit Antiques - Marstons Mills
70 Industry Rd., Marstons Mills, MA 02648 ~ 508-420-1234
Martha's Vineyard
Early Spring Farm Antique - Vineyard Haven
201 Lagoon Pond Road, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 ~ 508-693-9141
Showing at: Martha's Vineyard Crafts and Antiques Co-Op.
American country from Island homes; folk art; hooked rugs; furniture;
nautical and architectural items.
Open: 10 - 5 or call ahead. We meet boats! Short walk from boat.
Mashpee Antiques & Collectibles - Mashpee
Mashpee Rotary (Rt.28+151), Mashpee, MA 02649 ~ 508-539-0000
Manor House Antiques - (Multiple Dealers) - Nantucket
Center Street, Nantucket, MA ~ 508-228-4335
East Orleans Antiques - East Orleans
204 Main Street, E. Orleans, MA 02643 ~ 508-255-7799 or 508-255-8604
Interesting early American furniture and decorative antique
accessories: folk art, Staffordshire, white ironstone, paintings, some
silver, lamps, rugs, vintage linens and esoterica.
Buying and selling antiques by appointment.
Open: Tues.- Sat., 10-5 in season. Usually Friday and Saturday in winter.
Countryside Antiques - Orleans
6 Lewis Road, Orleans, MA 02653 ~ 508-240-0525
Kay Linkkila - Orleans
188 Rock Harbor Road, Orleans, MA 02653
508-240-2179 Email:
Country furniture in original paint and surface. Primitives, textiles, and
small goods!
*** Antique shows and by appointment. ***
Pleasant Bay Antiques - Orleans
540 Rt. 28, Orleans, MA 02653 ~ 508-255-0930
Stephen's Antiques - Orleans
21 Great Oak Rd., Orleans, MA 02653 ~ 508-255-6227 or 508-945-0019
The Farmhouse - Osterville
1340 Main Street, Osterville, MA 02655 ~ 508-420-2400
East Sandwich Antiques & More - (Multiple Dealers) - East Sandwich
542 Route 6A, East Sandwich, MA ~ 508-888-5998
Edythe & Co. Antiques - East Sandwich
433 Route 6A, E. Sandwich, MA 02537 ~ 508-888-8843 or 508-888-9624
Uncommon antiques and decorative furnishings for the home and garden. A small shop with great style.
Open year round. Please call for schedule.
Horsefeathers Antiques - East Sandwich
454 Rte. 6A, E. Sandwich, MA 02537 ~ 508-888-5298
A whimsical collection featured in Victoria and Decorating magazines.
Offering fine linens and lace, vintage christening gowns, china and
unique accessories for your home.
Open year-round. A call ahead is advised.
John Deacon-Antiques - Sandwich
2 Washington Circle Unit 5, Sandwich, MA 02563 ~ 508-367-2939
Sandwich Antique Center - (Multiple Dealers) - Sandwich
131 Rte. 6A, Sandwich. MA ~ 508-833-3600
The Antiques Center of Yarmouth - (Multiple Dealers) - West Yarmouth
325 Rte. 28, West Yarmouth, MA ~ 508-771-3327
The Antiques Center of Yarmouth offers a wide variety of antiques
and collectibles from over 100 dealers. New items arrive daily from
antique to 50's to custom furniture, glass, china, jewelry, pottery,
linens, antique weapons, books, postcards and much more! If you are
interested in consigning or selling your antiques, we offer free
Open every day 10 AM - 6 PM (including most holidays).
Laura's Attic - South Yarmouth
845 Route 28, South Yarmouth, MA 02664 ~ 508-394-0620
Constance Goff Antiques - Yarmouth Port
161 Main Street (Rte. 6A), Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 ~ 508-362-9540 or 508-362-9568
19th century furniture, furniture, related accessories; Staffordshire,
glass, lighting, silver. White ironstone a speciality.
Antique shows - call for schedule.
Open year-round. Summer 11-5, Mon.-Sat.; Winter 12- 4:30, Wed.-Sat.; Dec.-Mar. Please call ahead.
Something To Crow About - Yarmouth
797 Rte 28, Yarmouth, MA 02675 ~ 508-398-1901
For further information, go to Cape Cod Antiques Dealers' Association or
contact them by email at: